Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blue Tech Lens Technology

Did you know that high energy light known as blue light is posing a threat to eye heath?  Many of us on a daily basis are exposed to blue light radiated by fluorescent and CFL light bulbs, computer screens, tablets, smart phones and televisions.  Protecting your eyes by using new lens technology on your next pair of eyewear may help reduce your exposure to these harmful UV rays.

Blue tech lens material is available for every day eyewear.  It may also be used for sunwear for added protection in reducing glare, improves visual acuity and night vision.  It is also impact resistant, improves contrast, and enhances natural depth and color perception.

Specialty anti-reflective coatings are also available which combines the benefits of reducing glare and blocking blue light.

Stop by our store today and ask one of our opticians about blue tech lens technology and anti-reflective coatings. You'll be glad you did!

Read more about this.

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